Lisa deploys her know-how in the fields of installation, motion design, graphic design and digital experimentation.

Her creative vision is characterized by a dreamlike approach to recomposing her environment. She draws her inspiration from the forms, materials and chromatic palettes of reality, as well as from the observation of physical and organic phenomena.

Her work is inspired by lifeless items, cultural issues, natural structures and pictorial compositions, while exploring themes linked to the industrial overproduction of superfluous objects, pulsion and repulsion, polymer aesthetics, toxics corporate environments, marketing techniques and satisfaction processes.

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︎ Contact.manchaulisa@gmail.com 
︎ ︎ © 2024 Lisa Manchau. Tous droits réservés. Les oeuvres ci-présentes sont protégées par l’INPI AGA France, toute utilisation extralégale sera passible de poursuite.